There's an app for that.

29 hours
My very first successfully watermarked photo.
+2 incredible, just-what-I-wanted mason jar watermark files
+32 different search term combinations I tried in my search to figure it out independently 
+16 attempts at watermarking photos with new kickass digital stamp
-21 deleted files containing maimed versions of said kickass digital stamp
+7 saved, shitty, not-what-I-wanted-at-all files
+10+/- percentage of friends in my close circle who are legit, professional photographers
-2 waves of anxiety over polling facebook for how-to’s of watermarking so I can use new kickass stamp
+0 number of helpful answers because I don’t know shit about photoshop
+1 wild decision to search the Google Play Store on a Hail Mary
+1 perfect application made just for me
-10 seconds to install it
-0 the amount it cost me to buy the watermarking app

= it doesn’t even matter because my brain no longer feels like it’s going to explode!

Whenever you find yourself in doubt, don't. There’s totally an app for that. 

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